Scheduled Jobs
The Kurrent Cloud runs scheduled jobs on the user's behalf. All of these jobs consist of a human-readable description and a schedule.
Currently, the following jobs are supported:
- Scheduled backups
Job Schedules
The schedule format used by the Kurrent Cloud CLI tool and API is a simplified subset of cron, in the future we may support more cron features.
The supported subset is:
- for the first field, minute:
- a wildcard
- a number between
(inclusive). - a rate, written as a wildcard divided by a number. E.g:
- a wildcard
- For the second field, hour:
- a wildcard
- a number must be between
(inclusive) - a rate, written as a wildcard divided by a number. E.g:
- a wildcard
- for the third field, day of month:
- a wildcard
- a wildcard
- for the fourth field, month:
- a wildcard
- a wildcard
- for the fifth field, day of the week:
- a wildcard
- a number between
(inclusive), Sunday to Saturday
- a wildcard
┌───────────── Minute: wildcard, number (0 - 59), rate
│ ┌─────────── Hour: wildcard, number (0 - 23), rate
│ │ ┌───────── Day of the month: wildcard
│ │ │ ┌─────── Month: wildcard
│ │ │ │ ┌───── Day of the week: wildcard, number (0 - 7)
│ │ │ │ │
* * * * *
Scheduled backups have a minimum frequency of 60 minutes. Currently, it is not possible to schedule backups more frequently.
0 */1 * * *
runs a job once an hour, at minute 00.
0 12 * * 1
runs a job at 12:00 PM on Monday.
30 13 * * 0
runs a job at 13:30 PM on Sunday.