Event streams
Event streams
EventStoreDB is purpose-built for event storage. Unlike traditional state-based databases, which retain only the most recent entity state, EventStoreDB allows you to store each state alteration as an independent event.
These events are logically organized into streams, typically only one stream per entity.
Metadata and reserved names
Stream metadata
Every stream in EventStoreDB has metadata stream associated with it, prefixed by $$
, so the metadata stream from a stream called foo
is $$foo
. EventStoreDB allows you to change some values in the metadata, and you can write your own data into stream metadata that you can refer to in your code.
Reserved names
All internal data used by EventStoreDB is prefixed with a $
character (for example $maxCount
on a stream's metadata). Because of this you should not use names with a $
prefix as event names, metadata keys, or stream names, except where detailed below.
The supported internal settings are:
Property name | Description |
$maxAge | Sets a sliding window based on dates. When data reaches a certain age it disappears automatically from the stream and is considered eligible for scavenging. This value is set as an integer representing the number of seconds. This value must be >= 1. |
$maxCount | Sets a sliding window based on the number of items in the stream. When data reaches a certain length it disappears automatically from the stream and is considered eligible for scavenging. This value is set as an integer representing the count of items. This value must be >= 1. |
$cacheControl | This controls the cache of the head of a stream. Most URIs in a stream are infinitely cacheable but the head by default will not cache. It may be preferable in some situations to set a small amount of caching on the head to allow intermediaries to handle polls (say 10 seconds). The argument is an integer representing the seconds to cache. This value must be >= 1. |
If you set both $maxAge
and $maxCount
then events will become eligible for scavenging when either criteria is met. For example, if you set $maxAge
to 10 and $maxCount
to 50,000, events will be marked as eligible for scavenging after either 10 seconds, or 50,000 events, have passed. Deleted items will only be removed once the scavenge process runs.
Security access control lists are also included in the $acl
section of the stream metadata.
Property name | Description |
$r | The list of users with read permissions |
$w | The list of users with write permissions |
$d | The list of users with delete permissions |
$mw | The list of users with write permissions to stream metadata |
$mr | The list of users with read permissions to stream metadata |
You can find more details on access control lists can .
Event metadata
Every event in EventStoreDB has metadata associated with it. EventStoreDB allows you to change some values in the metadata, and you can write your own data into event metadata that you can refer to in your code.
All names starting with $
are reserved space for internal use. The currently supported reserved internal names are:
Property name | Description |
$correlationId | The application level correlation ID associated with this message. |
$causationId | The application level causation ID associated with this message. |
Projections honor both the correlationId
and causationId
patterns for any events it produces internally ( linkTo, emit, etc.).
Deleting streams and events
Metadata in EventStoreDB defines whether an event is deleted or not. You can use stream metadata such as TruncateBefore
, MaxAge
and MaxCount
to filter events considered deleted. When reading a stream, the index checks the stream's metadata to determine whether any of its events have been deleted.
You cannot delete events from the middle of the stream. EventStoreDB only allows to truncate the stream.
When you delete a stream, you can use either a soft delete or hard delete. When a stream is soft-deleted, all events from the stream get scavenged during the next scavenging run. It means that you can reopen the stream by appending to it again. When using hard delete, the stream gets closed with a tombstone event. Such an event tells the database that the stream cannot be reopened, so any attempt to append to the hard-deleted stream will fail. The tombstone event doesn't get scavenged.
The $all
stream bypasses the index, meaning that it does not check the metadata to determine whether events exist or not. As such, events that have been deleted are still be readable until a scavenge has removed them. There are requirements for a scavenge to successfully remove events, for more information about this, read the .
EventStoreDB will always keep one event in the stream even if the stream was deleted, to indicate the stream existence and the last event version. Therefore, we advise you to append a specific event like StreamDeleted
and then set the max count to one to keep the stream or delete the stream. Keep that in mind when deleting streams that contain sensitive information that you really want to remove without a trace.
Soft delete and TruncateBefore
and $tb
considers any event with an event number lower than its value as deleted. For example, if you had the following events in a stream :
If you set the TruncateBefore
or $tb
value to 3, a read of the stream would result in only reading the last event:
A soft delete makes use of TruncateBefore
and $tb
. When you delete a stream, its TruncateBefore
or $tb
is set to the max long/Int64 value: 9223372036854775807. When you read a soft deleted stream, the read returns a StreamNotFound
or 404
result. After deleting the stream, you are able to append to it again, continuing from where it left off.
For example, if you soft deleted the above example stream, the TruncateBefore
or $tb
is set to 9223372036854775807. If you were to append to the stream again, the next event is appended with event number 4. Only events from event number 4 (last stream revision before deleting, incremented by one) onwards are visible when you read this stream.
Max count and Max age
Max count ($maxCount
and MaxCount
) limits the number of events that you can read from a stream. If you try to read a stream that has a max count of 5, you are only able to read the last 5 events, regardless of how many events are in the stream.
Max age ($maxAge
and MaxAge
) specifies the number of seconds an event can live for. The age is calculated at the time of the read. So if you read a stream with a MaxAge
of 3 minutes and one of the events in the stream has existed for 4 minutes at the time of the read, it is not returned.
Hard delete
A hard delete appends a tombstone
event to the stream, permanently deleting it. You cannot recreate the stream, or append to it again. Tombstone events are appended with the event type $streamDeleted
. When you read a hard deleted stream, the read returns a StreamDeleted
or 410
The events in the deleted stream are liable to be removed in a scavenge, but the tombstone event remains.
A hard delete of a stream is permanent. You cannot append to the stream or recreate it. As such, you should generally soft delete streams unless you have a specific need to permanently delete the stream.
Deleted events and projections
If you are intending on using projections and deleting streams, there are some things to take into consideration:
- Due to the nature of
, projections usingfromAll
read any deleted events that have not been scavenged. They also receive any tombstone events from hard deletes. - System projections like or projections produce new (link) events that are stored in the database in addition to the original event. When you delete the original events, then link events will remain in the projected streams, but their links won't be resolved (will have undefined value). You can ignore those events in the code logic.
System events and streams
is a special paged stream that contains all configuration events, for all persistent subscriptions. It uses the PersistentConfig
system event type, which records a configuration event. The event data contains:
: Version of event dataupdated
: Updated dateupdatedBy
: User who updated configurationmaxCount
: The number of configuration events to saveentries
: Configuration items set by event.
is a special paged stream for all events. You can use the same paged form of reading described above to read all events for a node by pointing the stream at /streams/$all. As it's a stream like any other, you can perform all operations, except posting to it.
The $settings
stream has a special ACL used as the default ACL. This stream controls the default ACL for streams without an ACL and also controls who can create streams in the system.
Learn more about the default ACL in the documentation.
EventStoreDB has debug and statistics information available about a cluster in the $stats
stream, find out more in .
is a special paged stream for all scavenge related events. It uses the following system event types:
: An event that records the initialisation of the scavenge index.$scavengeStarted
: An event that records the beginning of a scavenge event, the event data contains:scavengeId
: Scavenge event IDnodeEndpoint
: Node address
: An event that records the completion of a scavenge event, the event data contains:scavengeId
: Scavenge event IDnodeEndpoint
: Node addressresult
: Error detailstimeTaken
: Time taken for the scavenge event in millisecondsspaceSaved
: Space saved by scavenge event in bytes