EventStoreDB Quickstart
This quickstart will guide you through getting started with EventStoreDB using GitHub Codespaces.
GitHub Codespaces provides an instant and preconfigured development environment in your browser for this quickstart. To learn more about Github Codespaces, click here.
In this quickstart, you will:
- Start an EventStoreDB server using Docker in GitHub Codespaces.
- Append an event to EventStoreDB with sample code.
- View the appended event using the Admin UI.
- Read the appended event with sample code using the EventStoreDB client.
Before starting, ensure you have the following:
- A GitHub account to use GitHub Codespaces.
- Basic knowledge of one of the development languages/platforms below.
- Familiarity with command-line operations.
If you have trouble with this quickstart, you can find more help in the "EventStoreDB From Scratch" tutorial series on Event Store Academy.
Step 1: Set up Your Codespace
- Choose one of the development languages/platforms below and click the Codespaces link:
Login to Github if required.
Follow the instructions to create a new Codespace.
Wait for your Codespace to build. This can take up to a few minutes.
Once complete, you will see a welcome message in the terminal:
Hello!👋 Welcome to the EventStoreDB Getting Started Quickstart Guide.
For this quickstart, you can safely ignore and close any Codespaces notification that appears on the bottom right of the page.
Step 2: Start the EventStoreDB Server
Once your Codespace is loaded, run the following command in the terminal to start the EventStoreDB server:
This is a custom script written for this quickstart to help start EventStoreDB in Docker.
You will see the below message printed in the terminal:
🚀 EventStoreDB Server has started!! 🚀
URL to the EventStoreDB Admin UI 👉: https://XXXXXXXXX.XXX
(Optional) Learn more about how to start EventStoreDB in Docker and the start_cluster.sh script
Understanding How to Start EventStoreDB Server in Docker and How start_cluster.sh
is a custom script written for the quickstart that will:
- Check if Docker is currently running locally
- Pull the EventStoreDB server Docker container,
- Start the server in Docker, and
- Print the EventStoreDB Admin UI URL in the terminal.
To see how to start the EventStoreDB server in Docker, follow these steps
Run the following command to open
:code ./start_cluster.sh
Alternatively, you can locate and open the file from the EXPLORER window found on the left side of Codespaces. You can find the path to the file in the command above.
In step 3 of the script, review how EventStoreDB is started with the
docker run
docker run # Start a new Docker container using the 'docker run' command
-d \ # Run the container in detached mode (in the background)
--name esdb-node \ # Assign the container a name ('esdb-node' in this case)
-p 2113:2113 \ # Map port 2113 on the host to port 2113 in the Docker container. Required for the EventStoreDB
eventstore/eventstore:lts \ # Specify the Docker image to use, in this case, the EventStoreDB long-term support version (lts)
--insecure \ # Run EventStoreDB in insecure mode, without authentication and SSL/TLS security (usually for development)
--run-projections=All \ # Enable all projections in EventStoreDB, including system and user projections
--enable-atom-pub-over-http # Enable the AtomPub API over HTTP. Required for the EventStoreDB Admin UI
Review other parts of the script if you wish.
Feel free to modify and re-run the script in your Codespace.
For more information about other EventStoreDB parameters and settings, .
To view the source code in Github, click the link below:
Step 3: Navigate to the EventStoreDB Admin UI
- In Codespaces, copy the URL to EventStoreDB Admin UI printed in the terminal from last step.
- Open a new browser tab.
- In the address bar of the new tab, paste the URL to and navigate to it.
- This will display the EventStoreDB Admin UI.
- Keep the Admin UI open for the next steps.

Step 4: Install Required Package for Sample Code
- In Codespace, run this command to install the package for the EventStoreDB client. This will be used in the sample codes:
(Optional) Learn more about the EventStoreDB client packages
Understanding Required Packages for EventStoreDB Development
The EventStoreDB client packages enable your code to connect to the database, append events, and read events from streams in the language/platform of your choice.
To understand what packages are installed, follow these steps:
- Run the following command to examine package dependencies:
Alternatively, you can locate and open the file from the EXPLORER window on the left of Codespaces. You can find the path to the file in the command above.
- Review the EventStoreDB client packages listed as dependencies:
The version of the EventStoreDB client above may be outdated. For more information about the client, .
To view the source code in Github, click the link below:
Step 5: Append an Event to EventStoreDB
- In Codespaces, run this command to execute the sample. This appends an event to EventStoreDB:
- You should see a confirmation for the event append, similar to this:
🎉 Congratulations, you have written an event!
Stream: SampleStream
Event Type: SampleEventType
Event Body: {"id":"1","importantData":"some value"}
(Optional) Learn more about the sample code
Understanding How the Append Sample Works
To deepen your understanding of how events are appended to EventStoreDB programmatically, you will explore the sample code used in this step.
The sample code demonstrates:
- Establishing a Connection: Connect to EventStoreDB using the client library.
- Creating an Event: Create a new event with a specific type and data payload.
- Appending the Event to a Stream: Append the new event to a specific stream.
To see how this works, follow these steps:
- Run the following command to open sample code:
Alternatively, you can locate and open the file from the EXPLORER window on the left of Codespaces. You can find the path to the file in the command above.
- In step 1 of the code, review how the client connects to EventStoreDB:
- In step 2 of the code, review how a new event is initiated:
- In step 3 of the code, review how the client appends the new event to EventStoreDB:
- Feel free to modify and re-run the sample in your Codespace.
To learn more about other EventStoreDB client functions, .
To view the source code in Github, click the link below:
Step 6: Verify the Appended Event in the Admin UI
In the Admin UI, click the
Stream Browser
link from the top navigation bar.Under
Recently Changed Streams
, clickSampleStream
link.Click on the
link in the rightmost column of the table.You should see the content of the appended event.
Step 7: Read the Event from EventStoreDB Programmatically
- In Codespaces, run this command to execute the sample. This reads the event from EventStoreDB:
- You should see the content of the appended event similar to this:
You have read an event!
Stream: SampleStream
Event Type: SampleEventType
Event Body: {"id":"1","importantData":"some value"}
(Optional) Learn more about the sample code
Understanding How the Read Sample Works
You will explore the sample code used in this step to further understand how events are read from EventStoreDB programmatically. The sample code demonstrates the following:
- Establishing a Connection: Illustrates how to connect to EventStoreDB using the client library.
- Reading Events from a Stream: Reads events from a specific stream.
- Processing Retrieved Events: Iterates over the events retrieved from the stream.
- Deserializing Event Data: Extracts and deserializes the event data from the retrieved events.
- Displaying Event Information: Prints out the event details—such as the stream name, event type, and event body—to the console.
- Run the following command to open sample code:
Alternatively, you can locate and open the file from the EXPLORER window on the left of Codespaces. You can find the path to the file in the command above.
- In step 1 of the code, review how the client connects to EventStoreDB:
- In step 2 of the code, review how the client reads all the events from the stream:
- In step 3 of the code, review how the events are deserialized and printed:
- Feel free to modify and re-run the sample in your Codespace.
To learn more about other EventStoreDB client functions, .
To view the source code in Github, click the link below:
In this quickstart, you:
- Started the EventStoreDB server.
- Browsed to the Admin UI.
- Appended an event to EventStoreDB.
- Verified the event in the Admin UI.
- Read the event from EventStoreDB programmatically.
Feel free to experiment further by appending more events, reading them, or even exploring advanced features of EventStoreDB!
Next Steps
Now that you've completed the quickstart, you may want to explore the following:
EventStoreDB "From Scratch" Series: Find more explanations about the scripts and samples used in this quickstart along with other beginner tutorials.
: Learn how to installEventStoreDB on your local machine for deeper exploration and integration with your projects.
: Understand how to interact with EventStoreDB programmatically with EventStoreDB clients.
: Explore how to configure EventStoreDB for your environment.
Event Store Cloud: Run EventStoreDB from the fully managed environment without the need to host it yourself.
EventStoreDB Samples: Experiment with different SDKs to interact with EventStoreDB using various programming languages.